A simple NPM Package for generating a nonce value for use in the website. Originally this code was written right into the website code, but as I realized I would be able to make use of the functionality in other projects of mine, I decided to rip it out and turn it into a NPM Package so that I can do just that.
This module was originally code within my personal website, but I felt it would be better served as a package I could install into other projects easily. It is very straight forward and simple to use, as that was my intention. This was designed to be used with Helmet-CSP which at the time had no instructions for generating nonces so I made this. This is highly situational to what I wanted it to do.
Simple install from NPM as normal.
$ npm install nonce-simple
import {generateNonce, getDirectives} from "nonce-simple";
import csp from "helmet-csp";
// Example options
const nonceOptions = {
scripts: [
styles: [
fonts: [
connect: [`https://cdn.jsdelivr.net`],
frame: [`https://www.google.com/recaptcha/`],
reportTo: "https://ryanmalacina.report-uri.com/r/d/csp/enforce",
// Add nonce to res.locals
app.use(function (req, res, next) {
var nonce = generateNonce();
res.locals.nonce = nonce;
res.locals.cspNonce = "nonce-" + nonce;
// Use the nonce we generated along with any options we specify.
directives: getDirectives(
(req, res) => `'${res.locals.cspNonce}'`,
You can include options of different types for allowed URLs that can be loaded. Anything not provided will default to self
and script-src and font-src will default to self
and nonce
scripts: [],
styles: [],
fonts: [],
connect: [],
frame: [],
reportTo: []
I use a Chrome plugin for checking CSP called CSP Evaluator but Google also provides a testing option here.