The news index search will now highlight matching results!
I've been in the process of adding HTMX into the site where applicable, and I must's a neat little thing. I've been enjoying adding it, but I've still got plenty of the site left to implement into. As always, the site code is open source if you'd like to see the progress, or even contribute.
I've been learning Go and HTMX as of late, so that I can create more fun things in the future. As part of learning Go for building my new web project, I've been learning HTMX to replace the standard jQuery/Javascript stuff I had been using. As part of that process, I plan to swap the jQuery/AJAX on this site with HTMX (where applicable), as I think that would be a fun project.
I recently fixed a bug on the blog where the entire excerpt was not showing on the blog index, but was showing correctly here on the website home page. It came down to some weird quirk with how Ghost handles {{excerpt}} in theme templates, but switching it to {{custom_excerpt}} resolved the problem. It was a tad annoying.
Even though the React overhaul ended up delayed / scrapped, I have been working on implementing new features into the site. I've added password reset functionality alongside a basic profile page where I can change my name, email and password.
While the site has no public sign up or reason for that to exist, I felt it was nice to add the features I did as practice on those things for the future projects I would like to work on for experience and resume building (e.g. the MERN stack simple forum I want to create as an experiment). I have no timeline on any of those projects yet, but they will be publicly available once they are in states there I am comfortable doing so. I may even throw these projects up on the demos domain if I get that far, or just have the source code available for people to run them themselves.